Minerals Council of Australia Minerals Council of Australia is the leading advocate for Australia’s minerals industry, promoting and enhancing sustainability, profitability and competitiveness. The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) represents a world-leading minerals sector that is dynamic, diverse, sustainable, and valued by all Australians. Australia’s minerals industry is innovative, technologically advanced, capital intensive, and environmentally and socially progressive. The industry is a major contributor to national income, investment, high-wage jobs, exports, and government revenues. The MCA engages with the community, other industries, industry and representative bodies, opinion leaders and other stakeholders to reinforce and raise awareness of the industry’s contribution to Australia and Australians. Learn More
South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME) The South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME) is the leading industry association representing resource and energy companies, including those who provide services to them. SACOME was founded in 1979 and has grown hand-in-hand with SA's resources sector for over 40 years. We are a small yet dedicated team that services the needs of approximately 130 member organizations, proudly advocating for and on behalf of the resources sector with true independence.SACOME positions itself front and centre on the issues that matter and is committed to working with all members and stakeholders for the continued development of the South Australian resources sector and the economic, social and environmental benefit of the State. Learn More
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) THE NUCLEAR ENERGY INSTITUTE (NEI) is the leading U.S. policy and technical organization dedicated to all aspects of the commercial nuclear industry. With our members’ support, we actively shape policies and regulations that promote carbon-free nuclear energy in the United States and globally. NEI's members include utilities, reactor vendors, technology developers, stakeholders from every facet of the nuclear supply chain, clean energy buyers, national labs, labor unions, and universities. Learn More
World Nuclear Fuel Market (WNFM) The World Nuclear Fuel Market (WNFM) was established in 1974 to promote international commerce in nuclear fuel materials. WNFM membership comprises about 80 companies representing around 21 countries, and the WNFM welcomes all nuclear fuel industry organizations and other interested parties to join.The WNFM’s efforts have evolved to a focused, ongoing dialogue among industry participants to solve commercial, nuclear fuel-related problems through the WNFM Annual Meeting. Learn More
World Nuclear Association World Nuclear Association is the international organization that promotes nuclear power and supports the companies that comprise the global nuclear industry. Its members come from all parts of the nuclear fuel cycle, including uranium mining, uranium conversion, uranium enrichment, nuclear fuel fabrication, plant manufacture, transport, and the disposal of used nuclear fuel, as well as electricity generation itself. World Nuclear Association members are responsible for 70% of the world's nuclear power as well as the vast majority of world uranium, conversion and enrichment production. Learn More