Boss Energy. Boss Energy.
Boss Energy is a multi-mine uranium producer, with 100% owned Honeymoon Project in South Australia and 30% ownership in Alta Mesa project in South Texas.
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The Company’s flagship asset is its 100% owned Honeymoon Uranium Project in South Australia. Honeymoon is currently ramping up to its nameplate capacity of 2.45Mlbs of uranium a year. There is significant potential to continue growing the inventory, mine life and cashflow at Honeymoon with substantial resources already established outside the existing mine plan. Increases in production would enable Boss to leverage the infrastructure at Honeymoon and further capitalise on the strong demand for uranium from reliable western suppliers.

Boss also owns a 30% interest in the Alta Mesa Uranium Project in Texas, USA. This project is ramping up towards an annual production rate of 1.5 million pounds of U3O8. Alta Mesa provides Boss with exposure to the growing U.S. uranium market, further diversifying its asset base and boosting its long-term growth prospects.

With a strong leadership team and a focus on leveraging cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices, Boss Energy is well-positioned to play a vital role in supplying uranium to meet the global demand for clean energy. As the world shifts towards a low-carbon future, Boss Energy’s operations at Honeymoon and Alta Mesa are poised to contribute significantly to the energy transition, supporting the nuclear power sector and helping to reduce global carbon emissions.

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Over 100 years of collective experience

See our team's extensive knowledge and proven track record, acquired over a century of experience.

Project Highlights

Ready to go

The Honeymoon Project is a fully permitted, restart mine. Boss is targeting first production in Q4 2023, making it Australia’s next uranium producer.

Feasibility study completed

Outstanding FS results, based on a conservative uranium price, position Honeymoon as one of the world’s most advanced uranium development projects with low capital intensity. Read the Honeymoon Enhanced Feasibility Study.

Leading the world to market

Boss is perfectly placed to capitalise on a strengthening uranium market with an existing plant and mine in a tier-one location with low costs and strong financial returns

Physical Inventory of 1.25M lbs U3O8

In March 2021 Boss Energy Ltd purchased 1.25 million pounds of uranium on the spot market at an average price of US$30.15 per pound. This acquisition was funded by a A$60m share placement. The uranium is stored at a conversion facility in North America.

The acquisition of the strategic uranium inventory has provided several significant benefits for Boss, including:

  • Enhanced financial position to support the planned re-start of the Honeymoon Uranium Project;
  • Increased flexibility in project funding and offtake negotiations with customers.
  • De-risking Honeymoon re-start during commissioning phase;
  • Remaining fully leveraged to any future appreciation of uranium price on the back of tight supply demand fundamentals.
Optimise Restart Timing
Optimise Restart Timing
  • Provides restart optionality
  • Exercise patience in a rising price environment - platform to maximise shareholder value
  • Enhanced visibility to uranium price movements
Offtake Flexibility
Offtake Flexibility
  • Boss presents as an attractive counterparty
  • Retain offtake contract execution flexibility
  • Potential to sell into offtake(s) either before Honeymoon's restart, during commissioning or into the future
  • Remain fully leveraged to future price increases
Strengthen Balance Sheet
Strengthen Balance Sheet
  • Strengthens the balance sheet- leverage to the uranium price during commissioning
  • Delivers optionality - ability to use inventory as collateral to support Honeymoon's future funding requirements
  • Provide initial funding towards Honeymoon's restart capital requirements
Aligned with Honeymoon
Aligned with Honeymoon
  • De-risks contract delivery during commissioning
  • Uranium inventory equates to 6 months of steady state production
  • Purchase price lower than Honeymoon's average all-in cost (AIC) of production ~US$32/lb
Marketing Advantages
Marketing Advantages
  • Significant benefits for uranium marketing
  • Strengthening the marketing infrastructure and in-house management expertise for the purchase and trading of uranium
  • Ability to layer contracts over time - first mover advantage amongst ASX peers

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